TWIN SYNERGIES will fulfill its objective by achieving the five specific objectives (SOs) listed below.
Specific Objective 1
Define a set of challenges to be addressed through the project, that may have the highest positive impact in the overall problem of setting up the interfaces between two different funding systems and moving from single (ERDF) beneficiary towards collaborative (HE) projects.
Specific Objective 4
Support knowledge transfer and strengthening defined field of R&I innovation capacities by Peer-to-Peer learning exercise focusing on Green & Digital transition and boosting the internationalisation activities to reinforce the European dimension.
Specific Objective 2
Accelerate the adoption of new transferable skills and increasing the competitiveness of the TWIN SYNERGIES partner organizations by the provision of the dedicated Capacity building (training and coaching) program for further improvement of non-scientific skills.
Specific Objective 5
Contribute in setting better communication and collaboration on the on the governance level and implement synergy-promoting measures for creating value chains on regional and international level.
Specific Objective 3
Encourage improved participation at the European and international R&I funding projects by developing and submitting new project proposals.